In this ever-changing digital world being familiar with computers is becoming an essential skill for all kinds of areas in life.
We here at PAPO believe that educating young people to become comfortable using basic computer softwares skills can help them tremendously in both their present and future education and also in their search for jobs or professional career.
We offer free courses ranging from basic computer knowledge and usage to learning the most essential softwares skills like the Microsoft Office programs.
Our courses are open to anyone who would like to improve themselves, doesn't matter how old you are or how much experience you have with computers!

Making a donation is a great and direct way to help our work and reduce Poverty and suffering in the World. We are always looking for financial and material donations (e.g. both new and old cameras, projectors, computer devices, school supplies, shoes etc.)
PAPO is always happy to welcome VOLUNTEERS from around the world anyone, who would like to volunteer their skills and enthusiasm for our cause is most welcome.
Please get in contact with us and join any of our projects in Kenya.
We believe that through education, community awareness and information sharing, poverty can be reduced and happiness realized. We are working every day, to bring this dream to reality!